From advice to action.

We’re there for you at every stage.

We want it to be easy to work with us, so we offer multiple levels of services and packages, from lightweight advisory where we help your team make the best decisions and chart the right technical, sales, or operational path or we can step in and act as your COO, CTO, or CRO (or all three) and get you the results you need as fast as possible. We’ve also made it easy to get started. Our Terms of Service cover an NDA, liability, and work product assignment.

Advisory Packages

Getting Started (Typically 4 weeks) - Perfect for the company who needs the hard questions answered as they get started. What apps should I use in Shopify? How do I pick a fulfillment partner? How do I hire someone to run operations? When it comes to ecommerce, we’ve launched stores, selected fulfillment partners and negotiated transportation contracts, and much, much more.

Up and Running (Typically 12 weeks) - The market is ready for your idea and you need to get moving fast, but there’s so much to do. Where do you even start and how do you bring your product to the people who want it without getting yourself in trouble later on. Trust us, we’ve made mistakes in the past. We can help you avoid the ones we made and help you hire the right people to get the job done.

Ongoing - Whether you’ve got investors or you’ve bootstrapped your business, it’s good to have someone who’s been in your shoes before and can point you in the right direction. Be that technology selection or operational efficiency, we’ll give you a real opinion rooted in 20+ years of experience.

Fractional CTO / COO/ CRO Services

Our Fractional CTO/COO/CRO Services are designed simply. We step in when you need someone who has built companies before to get you to the next stage of growth or efficiency. This usually takes the form of a 3-6 month engagement with either Patrick, Chris, or Melissa or all three of us. We’ll work with your leadership teams, engineering teams, and supply chain teams to define success, define a roadmap, hire a world class team, and guide them as they execute on that roadmap. That’s it. Our job is to make your retail, fulfillment, or SAAS business successful.

Schedule a 30-minute meeting with Patrick and Chris. We’ll figure out how we can help you achieve your goals.

From our Clients